Friday, March 13, 2009


Hello my friends. I just wonder how many of us have set our sights on the highest vision we can attain? This crazy world of paradoxes and illusions have caused many of us to settle for much less than we can attain if we really set our minds to it. I believe way too often we think our "good" is dependant on someone or something outside of our own power. Also it is very human to not accept responsibility for what ever the circumstances may be. Now I assure you there are some things that happen to us due to no actions on our part.Thats just part of living as a human being. But it is our responsibility for our reactions to whatever comes our way.And being human I think it is sometimes easier to just blame something else for our troubles and let it go.
But and I think this is a big but, we have within us the power necessary to overcome any obstacles and to change anything we want in our lives. It does take lots of "hard" work but is well worth it.Today lets all set our sights on a higher vision-- one that sees all humanity living as one in peace harmony and love.And lest we forget, we are powerful beings infused with the living vibrations of the One Spirit and all things are possible. Now my friends I leave you with the following quotes.
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure"
Marianne Williamson
"We must relight the torch of our imagination by fire caught from heaven. We must remain faithful to this vision, for a realization of the Presence of God is the secret power of our work."
Science fo Mind


Breath-e said...

"Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure." I love Marianne!

Thanks again, Ron.

captron52 said...

Yes, she is such an enlightened spirit and great author.Glad you enjoyed it. Hope your weekend is a good one.Take care and enjoy each moment