Friday, November 26, 2010


One of our biggest lessons in this life is to learn to be grateful for everything we are given. And this also includes being thankful for all the times when life seems to make us miserable over something that seems totally unfair and uncalled for. Yesterday many of us celebrated Thanksgiving Day. And it was truly a day when many of us stop to give thanks for the blessings in our lives. Only I personally believe that we should stop every day and count our blessings.One thing I have learned in my life is that the more thanks I give for what I do have, the more gifts I am blessed with. Just like planting seeds in a garden with faith that eventually the seeds will produce for us the gift of something good to eat, we must plant seeds of thanksgiving for things not only which we already have but for things that are yet to materialize in physical form.For me personally, the greatest gifts I have EVER received are the people who are a part of my life. I try hard to never take for granted a loved one whether I see them daily or maybe just once in a great while. And one of the brightest gifts I receive is when I hear from an old friend whom I havent seen or heard from in a while.For to me those friends are just as important and just a sloved as my "close" friends. And yes, I am truly blessed in this regards and as I continue to go along this path in life I hope that everyone of my friends and family members realize just how much I love and adore them. In his book "Spiritual Liberation" Michael Beckwith states: "Evolved people give thanks for life, for the intelligence within the body temple, within nature, for what most people don't even notice as they navigate through their day."And from the Science of Mind Textbook comes this thought:In everything give thanks. An attitude of gratitude is most salutary, and bespeaks the realization that we are now in heaven. I now leave all you beautiful folks with hopes that each of you will be extremely blessed with much love, joy, health, and inner peace as the weekend rolls on. Be safe and remember to be thankful for this one eternal moment which is really all any of us have or will ever have. "HUGS" to all

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